bouquet pressing

A variety of brightly coloured pressed flowers on a board

We press and frame your flowers, creating bespoke artwork that will last for years to come. This is ideal for bridal bouquets and other precious flowers

We carefully select a beautiful combination of pressable stems from your bouquet, press them quickly to preserve colour and artfully arrange on off-white archival board

The artwork is framed by museum and gallery specialists, with custom frames made to perfectly fit each piece. The frames are crafted using museum-grade glass to minimise reflection and ensure clear visibility of your flowers

There will be a bespoke label on the back of your frame detailing the flower varieties

This service is available to book if we are your florist, or if your flowers were designed and made elsewhere

To find out more or book in, please use the enquiry form below

Pressed flowers lily of the valley and sweet peas in a frame on the wall
Willow & Maw pressed flower bouquet arranged on a board around a wedding invitation
The back of a Willow and Maw pressed flower bouquet frame